
Winslow Homer The Houses of Parliament painting

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aluminium tray on the floor between the two women who had loved him, while Salahuddin followed in the car. Ambulance men laid him to rest in his study; Nasreen turned the air--conditioner up high. This was, after all, a tropical death, and the sun would be up soon.
_What did he see?_ Salahuddin kept thinking. _Why the horror? And, whence that final smile?_
People came again. Uncles, cousins, friends took charge, arranging everything. Nasreen and Kasturba sat on white sheets on the floor of the room in which, once upon a time, Saladin and Zeeny had visited the ogre, Changez; women sat with them to mourn, many of them reciting the qalmah over and over, with the help of counting beads. Salahuddin was irritated by this; but lacked the will to tell them to stop. -- Then the mullah came, and sewed Changez's winding-sheet, and it was time to wash the body; and even though there were many men present, and there was no need for him to help, Salahuddin insisted. _If he could look his death in the eye, then I can do it,
