
Eric Wallis paintings

Eric Wallis paintings
Edmund Blair Leighton paintings
Current regulations mean that in 2015, developing countries will have to freeze their HCFC use at or below the level it is then, phasing out entirely by 2040.
"The rate of HCFC use is skyrocketing," noted Clare Perry, senior ozone campaigner with the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). "So it's actually going to cost less to phase it out sooner in plant and equipment is at a lower level."
French Environment Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet said the EU will be push for a faster phase-out at this week's ozone treaty meeting.
"The schedule for eliminating HCFCs must be pushed up by 10 years - that will be the benchmark for deciding if ," she said.
Accelerating the phase-out would require new funds from the
Eugene de Blaas paintings
current funding regulations. Farman also recommends that cash be set aside to combat leakage of ozone-depleting chemicals, such as the fire retardant halon 1301, from developing world installations.
"There is some production in developing countries," he writes, "but the main source is now through leaks from existing installations, and during recycling. It is surely time to consider collecting the existing stockpile, and destroying it.
