
Georgia O'Keeffe From the Lake No. 1

Georgia O'Keeffe From the Lake No. 1Mark Rothko Orange and YellowAlfred Gockel Endless Love
and sound faded away until the roar of the court else's headphones. Mort saw Death standing companionably by the king, his eyes turned up towards —
— the minstrel gallery.
Mort saw the . . . .
The bolt struck. Death brought his sword around in a double-handed swing that passed gently through the king's neck without leaving a mark. To Mort, spiralling gently through the twilight world, it looked as though a ghostly shape had dropped away.
It couldn't be the king, because he was manifestly still standing there, looking directly at Death with an expression of extreme surprise. There was a shadowy something around his feet, and abowman, saw the bow, saw the bolt now winging through the air at the speed of a sick snail. Slow as it was, he couldn't outrun it. It seemed like hours before he could bring his leaden legs under control, but finally he managed to get both feet to touch the floor at the same time and kicked away with all the apparent acceleration of continental drift.As he twisted slowly through the air Death said, without rancour, IT WON'T WORK, YOU KNOW. IT'S ONLY NATURAL THAT YOU SHOULD WANT TO TRY, BUT IT WON'T WORK.Dream-like, Mort drifted through a silent world
