
Unknown Artist Bruce Lee painting

Unknown Artist Bruce Lee paintingUnknown Artist Audrey Hepburn paintingUnknown Artist Audrey Hepburn pop art painting
However, daytime mental stimulation is only half of the equation. The other half is sleep.
A bit of “brain fitness” during the day primes your brain for growth, such as through memory consolidation (rewiring) and neurogenesis (cell growth). But that’s all. It only primes the brain. It’s stage 3 and stage 4 sleep where the actual rewiring and cell growth occurs!
For a highly creative individual who wants to maximize cognitive abilities, maximizing stage 3 and 4 amount is critical. Without proper deep sleep, any skills that were “practiced” during the day will be tossed out the window.
I almost feel guilty spending a day just surfing the web, or just watching TV. Every day we have an opportunity to take advantage of the brain-enhancing process that will occur the following night. And for every day we stick to the old routine we miss that opportunity.
Whether its learning a language, playing aal instrument, working on math problems, or simply exploring new locations, a bit of mental challenge will help you get the most out of sleep’s brain-enhancing functions.
