
Albert Moore A Venus painting

Albert Moore A Venus paintingAlbert Moore A Musician paintingBernhard Gutmann Lady in Pink painting
time you came; do you think it possible he can have changed now?’ ‘Thank God, by his grace it is possible.’
‘Perhaps,’ said Cara, ‘you could slip in while he is sleeping, say the words of absolution over him; he would never know.’
‘I have seen so many men and women die,’ said the priest; ‘I never knew them sorry to have me there at the end.’
‘But they were Catholics; Lord Marchmain has never been one except in name - at any rate, not for years. He was a scoffer, Cara said so.’ ‘Christ came to call, not the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’
The doctor returned. ‘There’s no change,’ he said.
‘Now doctor,’ said the priest, ‘how would I be a shock to anyone?’ He
