
Fabian Perez white and red painting

Fabian Perez white and red paintingFabian Perez Venice paintingFabian Perez Tango painting
that gives her a kind of satisfaction, and that is why the orgasm seems beneficial to her, and her physician seeing the benefit endorses the act. But the same woman could be better satisfied in the non-orgasmal embrace of perfect and prolonged Karezza, and then the orgasm would be seen to be needless - that is my position.
My objections to the female orgasm in conception are as follows:
When a woman has an orgasm she has a discharge of vital-force and is left demagnetized, as a man is after an orgasm. I believe she demagnetizes the germ in so doing
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and that in this state it is less fit for impregnation than if there had been no orgasm - but this may be mere theory.
I believe, too, that the ideal way in the procreative embrace is for the man to waive all attempt at pleasure or to prolong the embrace, but to have his orgasm as quickly and forcefully as possible
