
Edward Hopper Sunday painting

Edward Hopper Sunday paintingEdward Hopper Morning Sun paintingAmedeo Modigliani Reclining Nude painting
Hector winked and licked his lips. "I helped myself, like everybody else! Stoker says he gets a commission on her;Iused to get her whole price!"
Repellent as I found this remark, and its maker, I was skeptical of its truth. For one thing, Anastasia had confessed worse things unabashedly in George's Gorge, but had made no mention of fees and commissions. For another, I observed that Ira Hector could not speak painlessly of her connection with Maurice Stoker: his neck-cords flexed at the man's name, and his voice shelled over.
"Youpity her!" I accused him. "You pitied her mother, too, and your own brother when you were kids."
"And all those unwed co-eds! I think you pityeverybody, and you're ashamed to say so!"
Now his eyes gleamed. "I pity you, you nincompoop!"
"I bet you did with Bray for the same reason Anastasia did," I said. "Out of charity! You taught her to be the way she is!"
"Charity be flunked!" Ira hollered. "Every man for himself!"
It occurred to me to argue, then, more out of spite than out of conviction, that even his vaunted miserliness might be passèd, and its opposite flunked. Enos Enoch
