
Vincent van Gogh Irises painting

Vincent van Gogh Irises painting
Steve Hanks Country Comfort painting
Who is Jonas? Just wait, Anne Shirley. You'll hear all about Jonas in the proper time and place. He is not to be mixed up with estimable old ladies.
"My left-hand neighbor at the table is Mrs. Phinney. She always speaks with a wailing, dolorous voice -- you are nervously expecting her to burst into tears every moment. She gives you the impression that life to her is indeed a vale of tears, and that a smile, never to speak of a laugh, is a frivolity truly reprehensible. She has a worse opinion of me than Aunt Jamesina, and she doesn't love me hard to atone for it, as Aunty J. does, either.
"Miss Maria Grimsby sits cati-corner from me. The first day I came I remarked to Miss Maria that it looked a little like rain -- and Miss Maria laughed. I said the road from the station was very pretty -- and Miss Maria laughed. I said there seemed to be a few mosquitoes left yet -- and Miss Maria laughed. I said that Prospect Point was as beautiful as ever -- and
